The Albanian Ministries have spent around 12 million USD since 2007 for
advertisements and celebrations, according to the reports made by the
opposition. Most of this high amount of money, according to the
Socialists, has gone to pro-government companies, televisions and
MP Eduard Shalsi has published the official documents and reported the large amount of money used by the government for advertisements in a time when the same government cuts budgets and fails to give funds in important operations, such as the summer fires that destroyed several national parks.
The documents were officially signed and stamped by the Ministries of the current cabinet, as an answer to the requests sent a few months ago by MP Erjon Brace.
The Interior Ministry has spent the largest amount of money, signing 1.9 million USD of advertisements, all signed by Lulzim Basha. The total expense of this ministry since 2006 and until the first months of 2012 goes to 4.7 million USD. According to the opposition’s report, which refers to the official documents signed by the Ministers themselves, most of this fund has been used by a single company, named “Promo LLC”.
The Interior Ministry
2006 7 500 USD
2007 100 000 USD
2008 219 000 USD
2009 765 000 USD
2010 1 930 000 USD
2011 1 000 000 USD
2012 714 000 USD
The government officials argued by saying that some of the advertisements have also gone to Top Channel, but the agreements since 2007 to 2012, for six years with the biggest television in the country are only 309.000 USD.
Interior Ministry advertisements on TCH
2007 0 USD
2008 43.000 USD
2009 155.000 USD
2010 94.000 USD
2011 11.000 USD
2012 5.300 USD
Interior Ministry expenses on advertisements
Total 4.700.000 USD
TCH 309.300 USD
The 4.4 million USD has been given to other TVs, with much bigger funds than Top Channel, which is the biggest media in the country.
The Ministry of Defense – According to the documents made public by MP Shalsi, and accompanied by the signature of the head of each department, the Ministry of Defense has given its entire advertisement fund to the “Promo LLC” company, a total of 2.1 million USD.
Ministry of Defense Advertisements
2007 235 000 USD
2008 115 000 USD
2009 385 000 USD
2010 30 000 USD
2011 700 000 USD
2012 700 000 USD
Vetëm pak muaj më parë, nëpërmjet repartit 606, kompanisë “Promo” i janë faturuar 300 mijë dollarë. Në emër të kësaj ministrie kompania në fjalë ka kontraktuar me televizionin Top Channel 76 mijë dollarë.
Ministry of Defense ads on TCH
2007 4.400 USD
2008 28.600 USD
2009 37.300 USD
2010 5.870 USD
2011 0 USD
2012 0 USD
Ministry of Defense Advertisements
Fund 2.100.000 USD
TCH 76.000 USD
The rest has been managed by Promo LLC
The Ministry of Defense has spent 393.000 USD in three years. The 234.000 fund of 2009 was managed by the Promo-Company, while in 2010 they have been managed by “Cover Media”, registered under the name of Avni Dani. In these two years Top Channel has been contracted only with 2640 USD.
Ministry of Agriculture Advertisements
2009 234.000 USD
2010 159.000 USD
Ministry of Agriculture
Total 393.000 dollarë
TCH 19.400 dollarë
In 2012, the Ministry of Agriculture explained in the official document signed by Minister Genc Ruli that 13 million ALL have been planned in different fairs.
The Supreme State Audit has found an economic damage of 90.000 USD, caused by infringements and unrighteously profited by the Ministry of Comminication. The Supreme State Audit comes to the conclusion that 198.000 USD have been used ilegally.
The Ministry of Labor has given 1/4th of the budget to the Promo Company. Only for a video that was to be broadcasted on some televisions, the Ministry of Labor gave 240.000 USD to a newly created local TV, which was taking twice more funds than the two other national televisions, Top Channel and TVSH. ABC news received 50.000 USD for one spot, while Top Channel and TVSH received 47.000 USD altogether. Because this scandal was reported on the media, the spot was cancelled.
The Ministry of Labor Spot
TVSH 18.100 USD
Top channel 29.000 USD
Klan 79.000 USD
Ora News 20.000 USD
ABC News 50.000 USD
The Ministry of Transportshas paid 189.700 USD to the Promo LLC Company. In total, the fund given by the Ministry of Transport for an advertisement is 1.6 million USD. 65% of the funds of this directory were profited by the Promo Company and 35% from the other national and international media. The official document signed by Minister Olldashi shows that the Rilindja Demokratike newspaper, which belongs to the Democratic Power, has received 500.000 USD, the “55” newspaper has received 100.000 USD and “Koha Jone” 200.000.
Ministry of Transports
“RD” 500.000 USD
“Koha Jone” 200.000 USD
“55” 100.000 USD
Total fund, 1.6 million USD
Top Channel 45.000 USD
All these newspapers don’t have the highest distribution on market, as the law requires.
The Ministry of Integration has given 170.000 USD for the realization of TV spots. THe funds were given to the Ministry of Communication and were given to a private Company for which MP Shalsi says that Minister Flamur Noka is to give explanations. This Ministry shows in the documents signed by Minister Bregu that they have given 910.000 USD to the company “New Politics” for the organization of the festive activities for the “No Visa in Europe”.
The numbers shown so far indicate that Top Channel has benefited only 3% to 6.5% of the budget for the state owned advertisements.
Top Channel