Tax evasion campaign

26/10/2013 00:00

To convince the Albanian citizens about the importance of taking the
receipt after every purchase, the General Tax Office is holding an
awareness campaign in cooperation with the Economic Faculty of the
Tirana University.

This campaign aims to inform the public about the civil obligation of taking the receipt, by helping this way in the fight against fiscal evasion.

“This is about informing the citizens and those who are a factor in the tax collection. If they take this receipt for every purchase, they help the tax administration and the implementation of the law. This is what keeps the state. This is what pays salaries, pensions and public spending”, declared Olti Rrumbullaku, professor at the Economic Faculty.

The fine for those who buy goods without taking the receipt, the tax is 1000 ALL. For businesses that do not give the receipt, this fine goes from 100 to 500.000 ALL, or even shutting down of the activity. Regardless of these fines, the tax evasion of businesses in this area remains very high.

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