“Tahiri” storm at the State Police

09/10/2013 00:00

All current police directors were discharged this Wednesday by
proposition of the Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, and with the
signature of the General Chief of Police, Hysni Burgaj, has transferred
all police leaders in the Police Study sector, or even as intstructors
at the Sector of Programs at the Police Academy.

The General Vice Chief Directors, Vocaj and Rrumbullaku, have been replaced by Sokol Bizhga and Altin Qato. Other discharged police officers who received attention in the past months are Nikolin Bala, Gjergj Jorgo, Mergim Hoxha, Pellumb Seferi and others, all leaders of important districts.

The storm started from the Interior Minister has involved every police officer who keeps the highest grade in the local directories. It is the first time that the highest police officers who also have the highest military grades are being discharged.

As for the list of those who will replace them, it is full of people who have been reaccepted in the police, and who have held key positions before 2005, such as Niko Brahimaj, neritan Nallbati, Edmond Targaj, Perlat Cullhaj and Shaban Nexhi. The main Police Post is being led by Ardian Cipa in Tirana, Ervin Hodaj in Fier and Kastriot Skenderaj in Vlore.

Police sources say that right after the signing of these orders, the General Chief of Police, Hysni Burgaj, has signed his resignation. The proposition to replace him was of Artan Didi, former director of the Special Forces.

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