Tahiri resigns as MP: “I will confront everyone”

03/05/2018 15:49

The Albanian Former Minister of Interior, Saimir Tahiri, resigned as MP and now can be tried by the judiciary without immunity.

He had planned to make that speech in Parliament, in front of his colleagues and political enemies, but he decided to make his accusations against them from the Parliament offices, for the last time.

“I waited for two weeks to speak in Parliament, but it was impossible, between the thrown flour and thrown shoes. There was no other way besides this”, he said.

“I have been silent for six months. I never imagined so many accusations about myself. One calls me a criminal, someone else a trafficker. Someone calls me a mafia leader, someone a mafia soldier. Sometimes a pillar of crime, another time a bad apple… This is when your trial is conducted by the devil. I was told that I was protected by my immunity, my parliamentary mandate, the majority, Edi Rama… I have always reiterated that I don’t need protection from anyone”, Tahiri said.

He accused both Democrats and Socialists, speaking about a battle against everyone.

“I am being accused by Lulzim Basha, the most ridiculous clown of Albanian politics, who never stopped stealing and never ended up in trials. I am being accused by Sali Berisha, when they used to be the ones who built the impunity wall, and they still stand there. I am being accused by Monika Kryemadhi and Ilir Meta. God knows that there is no blessed water in this world to remove their stains”, the former Interior Minister said.

“They had to vote the Vetting of the judiciary as sheep. There had to be two ambassadors who were applauding us, for our shame, or at least my shame. Why didn’t we start the Vetting process on our own and with our own selves?”

“MPs, Ministers, Directors and Ambassadors talk about mafia involvement. The Interior Minister counts how many gangs are there in every city. A horror that makes you leave”, he said.

Tahiri’s message was clear in the end:

“I am Saimir Tahiri and I don’t need a mandate or immunity to face justice and the clowns of politics”, he declared.

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