The Minister of Interior, Saimir Tahiri, in a meeting with Chiefs of the
State Police declared that the crime situation in our country is
Tahiri underlined that it is time to bring the State Police back on its feet again, together with the citizens life.
“I expect the police to not recognize anyone that tries to stand above the law. The respect to the law cannot be bought with money, power, politics, friends and connections. Stop showing that the law is not the same for the weak and others. We must bring down the impunity wall. No one is immune to the law”, Tahiri declared.
The minister declared that the agents need to have more team spirit, and added that whoever threatens the citizens’ life will face the police, and whoever respects the law has the police by his side.
Tahiri demanded measures to be taken for illegal arm possession, which are helping the increased number of murders, and declared that the situation of the human and drug traffics should change.
Tahiri also requested the firing of the two police officers who were filmed abusing with their duty.
Returning the public order
Right after the first government meeting, The Interior Minister held the first meeting with the Chief of Police, Hysni Burgaj.
Sources from the state police declared for Top Channel that the meeting focused on what Tahiri considered an urgent situation with the public order.
Tahiri asked Burgaj to start taking urgent measures to face the crime.
“We discussed some matter, and we will cooperate in all direction in the fight against crime”, Burgaj declared after the meeting.
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