Tadic: Kosovo, a serious issue

24/10/2011 18:40

The Serbian President, Boris Tadic, declared that Kosovo is a big issue
for the entire world and that finding a solution is very difficult.

“Kosovo is a very big issue, not only for the Serbs and Albanians, but for the entire Europe and world. It will be hard finding a solution to this problem”, Tadic declared.

Tadic underlined that he cannot guarantee to resolve the problem within December, when Serbia is expected to receive the EU recommendation for the candidate status.

The Serbian President also declared that this Sunday he had an open and constructive meeting with the Serbian representatives in Northern Kosovo.

“I told them about the real political situation, Serbia’s potential for defending its interests in Kosovo and the principles that will be implemented in the next months, which we will not abandon”, Tadic declared.

But the Kosovo Serbs did not agree with the President Tadic, with whom they had a five hours long meeting.

They said that it is difficult to accept that EULEX will circulate freely in this area, since there is no guarantee that they will not transport the Kosovo Customs and Police agents to the border checkpoints.

According to them, EULEX is implementing the Ahtisari Plan, which means the independence of Kosovo.

The four head of the northern communes declared that there is no substantial progress reached in the dialogue with the Serbian President.

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