Syrian children in Tirana

27/10/2016 00:00

George and Sharbel, 13 and 8 eyars old, are the two children of a Syrian
family who have been living in Tirana for the past two years, to escape
the hell of the war.

They live through a family business, a fast food, same as the one they had in Damask. The older son remembers dead people when the war began, and how he was scared. Before the war, they used to have a normal childhood. His father worked with a businessman there, and his mother worked as a teacher.

Now used to Tirana, George goes to school and has a social life. “Tirana has many good people but it is not very beautiful”, he says.

However, his ideas for his life are clear. He wants to return to Syria, and he loves businesses with oil.

Manar, the mother of the family, has got used to life in Albania although his family would like to return to Syria as soon as things get back to normal.

“We moved from Syria to Homs, hoping for a better life, but there were bombing and rockets. My husband was invited here to work as chef and we arrived here not as refugees. The government should at least help us with the residency permit”, she says.

The Syrian community in Albania will organize the praying night for solidarity with Syrian children who are suffering the consequences of a catastrophic war.

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