Syndication: Crimianl suit to ACR

20/10/2011 00:00

The miners syndication warned that they will sue the ACR Company for the
accident that took the life of a mineworker and left eight others

The Prosecution has started investigating the galleries, while the Syndication leaders met the injured miner that was sent at the Peshkopia Hospital.

One of the miners that rushed to save the injured workers was the leader of the hunger strike, Baki Bajraktari.

Meanwhile, the miners have returned to their working places this Thursday, after burying their colleague Naim Shyti one day ago.

According to recent information, the miners have started working in the levels 12, 13 and 14, which are considered safe.

Work has been interrupted in the levels 15 and 16, where there is a gas leak. The mine specialists are inspecting the 15th level for deciding what to do next.

The 39 year old Naim Shyti, father of two, entered to the 16th level of the mine, together with his colleagues, to maintain the ventilation system.

A hydrogen blast took his life and left 8 other miners injured.

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