The Director of Economic Matters at the Swiss Secretariat, Beatrice
Master, declared that the purpose of this aid is that Albania profits
more from the Trans Adriatic Pipeline project.
“The interest of Switzerland is the economic cooperation that we have with Albania. We want to contribute in the economic development of your country. Energy is a very important aspect for the economic growth, but besides this, we support Albania in other areas, such as the managing of public finances, education, water project, etc. There are many activities that we fund”, declared Mrs.Master.
The Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani, and the Minister of Energy, Damian Gjiknuri, signed the agreement for the Albanian side.
The Swiss grant will support the Albanian institutions in the building of a legal framework and regulator for the gas market, according to the EU model. Through this help we aim to increae the energy security in the country and a better premise for investments.
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