The Head of ALUIZNI (Agency of Legalisation Urbanisation and Integration
of Informal Zone/Building,), Artan Lamde, declared that the
government’s decision to suspend construction permits until 2015 aims to
end the “end-of-mandate-craze” from the local government. He appealed
the opposition to not use this issue politically.
“All state institutions will be mobilized to stop this ‘end-of-mandate-craze’ that was destroying whatever had remained from the public spaces of our country. We are open for all public discussions with the government and the opposition, which attacked this decision by saying that this would leave construction workers without food. You don’t secure your food by destroying parks, but by making stable development”, Lame declared.
According to the director of the National Agency of Territory Planning, Adelina Greca, most of the plans approved by the local governments damage the natural resources, the agricultural lands, the coastline and even allow buildings that pose high danger.
Greca says that the municipalities and communes have violated the local government plans and the regulations for the implementation of the law.
“The Tirana Municipality has violated the law for the allowed height of buildings in 48% of the cases. In 100% of the cases for approving the partial urban studies, the municipality has violated the law for involving the public in the planning and for guaranteeing transparency for the residents”, Greca declared.
The Prime Minister’s advisor for Urban Development, Artan Shkreli, considered the situation in our country a territorial emergency not any more because of illegal buildings, but because of absurd decisions of local government.
“The biggest problem in Albania doesn’t come from illegal constructions, but from the non-professional urban planning and absurd development permits that the local governments are giving without responsibility, and how they affect the citizens lives. This situation comes since this development is not built based on a national plan, but on the close needs and interests of their clients”, Shkreli declared.
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