Suspected author of several murders is extradited from France to Albania under strong security measures

16/11/2023 15:44

Today, Behar Bajri was extradited to Albania under strict security measures.

Bajri will face 5 criminal offenses, among which “Structured criminal group” and “Premeditated murder”.

Thanks to the cooperation between the State Police and Interpol the extradition was achieved in a very quick time, the authorities stated.

Bajri arrived on a direct flight from France to Rinas Airport near Tirana.

Bajri was arrested after the police gathered information and located him in a neighborhood in Strasbourg, France where he lived with his family. The collected data were handed over to the French authorities who arrested him in a bar.

Police investigations against Bajri and 14 others started in 2019, after the decoding of communications on the “Sky” and “EnkroChat” networks from the partner countries.

In these communications, it appeared that the businessman Pëllumb Gjoka, after he was released from prison through the bribe he gave to the prosecutor Xhevahir Lita, asked Behar Bajri to kill Keanth Musabelliu. Then Bajri exchanged targets with Ervis Martinaj and killed Gjon Boriči on his account.

His name also appears as the person who ordered the murder of Ibrahim Lici, Dorian Duli and Genc Tafili, crimes which were not carried out.


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