Supreme Court starts reviewing cases of 2011. 11.000 pending cases

18/02/2015 00:00

The Court’s problem of pending case is still unresolved. More than 11.000
criminal and civilian cases are stacked at the Supreme Court. Although
we are in the second month of 2015, the Supreme Court has still cases from 2013.

The President of the Supreme Court, Xhezair Zaganjori, explained that this stalemate started in 2007, initially by the failure to fill the vacancies at the Supreme Court, and later by the fact that everyone addresses complaints at this Court. For this reason, Zaganjori appealed lawmakers to intervene.

“There are thousands of cases, almost all of them, which have come for evaluation at the Supreme Court. There must be a financial obligation. They need to receive a consent and there must be verifications beforehands. From this point of view, we might verify the complaint and then issue a permit or consent. On the other hand, there is still room for regulating the criminal cases by law, so that we can define in a more clear way the issues that are directly connected to accelerated trials or trials in absence”. Zaganjori declared.

One of the issues that were mentioned, was the syndrome of long queues, such as the file of January 2011, for which the international community asked the judiciary to act.

“We are still working with cases of 2013. I believe that January 21st will have its time very soon, maybe within the first six months of this year”, declared the Supreme Court President.

Zaganjori said that a return of the Cassation Court would be one step back. He expressed his reserves about the Supreme Court law that has not been decreed by the President.

“We made some propositions. We were convinced that these would be taken in consideration. They were not taken in consideration, with the idea that they will be treated later for the reform. We have proposed to increase the number of cases that will be reviewed at the Supreme Court. We need to have a better definition of the competences of the Supreme Court President. We need bigger role for the Head of judiciary Colleges”, he explained.

When asked about the recent explosions, Mr.Zaganjori reminded that one of the duties of a government is to guarantee security. He concluded his comment with a quote: “A government that is unable to guarantee the minimal public order, is not better than dictatorship”, he declared.

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