If the Supreme Court vacancies are not filled as soon as possible with the quota of 19 judges, then the stock of over 35 thousand legal files will be gradually increased and for the citizens this means years of waiting, reports Top Channel’s Anila Hoxha.
Meanwhile the crisis of trials has descended on the courts of other levels, where the courts of appeal are the ones with the largest flow of files, a situation that has arisen as result of the vetting process of justice reform.
The HJC has compiled a new court map which aims to summarize all courts in a single one in Tirana,.
Sokol Sadushi says: This means that the trial it is not done where the citizen applies, but it is done where the documents are sent.
The two governing bodies of the judiciary complain that there are vacancies of 305 judges and prosecutors that need be filled, while Sokol Sadushi proposes that not only the number of judges but also legal advisors should be increased.
Sadushi: It is enough to understand that the reform will last along with its effects. Italy for example carried out legal changes in 2010 and the effect was understood in 2015, it is a matter of time.
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