Supreme Court College members remain unknown

02/11/2013 00:00

Transparency and quick investigation process, these are the main
requests addressed from the High Council of Justice to the judge panel
that will review the administrative issues at the newest court that will
start working on November 4th.

The vice leader of the HCJ, Elvis Cefa, declared during a meeting: “From this Monday we hope that a new era will start in the Albanian justice system. All our projects are focused on establishing and reinforcing an independent justice system, efficient and transparent. With this I want to remind you that the public expectancies are huge, so don’t disappoint them”.

While article 70 of the law for the Administrative Court says that: “The Administrative Court of First Instance, the Administrative Court of Appeal and the Administrative College of the Supreme Court will start working simultaneously”, meaning that until November 4th it will still be unknown who will be part of the five members of the Administrative College at the Supreme Court.

However, there are hopes that the President of this Court will announce the names of judges this Monday, so that this article can be implemented.

But what will be the competencies of the Administrative Court? According to the law, the Administrative Court will review those cases that are focused on the disagreements between the individual administrative acts, the normative sub-legal acts and the public administration agreements issued during the administrative activity of the public institution. Their competency will also be to review the disagreements that come after an illegal intervention of the public institution; disagreements of competences between different administrative institutions in the cases foreseen by the Code of Administrative Procedures; disagreements in the work related cases, when the public administration is the employer. The judges of this court have the right to review the requests presented by the administrative institutions for reviewing the administrative violations, for which there are measures to even 30 days in prison,

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