The pile of cases at the Supreme Curt is huge. They are placed in
special rooms and mount up to 11.000 that are waiting to be reviewed,
starting from 2012.
Ida Vodica, advisor at the Supreme Court, shows how the cases are divided in the archive rooms.
The President of the Supreme Court, Xhezair Zaganjori, has raised the concern of the huge amount of cases. Not only because everyone addresses a recourse at the Supreme court, but also because this problem has been transmitted year after year.
Zaganjori suggests to establish filters so that not every solution can be found through the recourse. The problem starts in 2008, when this court had five vacancies for a long time.
A problem that was created because of politics, and that has turned now into a burden for the Albanian citizens.
With the legal amends of the troop with 17 judges, two other judges should be added to the Supreme Court, for which the political parties have not found yet the names on which they would agree on.
14 councilors have been added for the huge flux of cases, since more than 1000 new cases have been added only for this year. The judges resolve 400 cases a year, which means that the wait for the other cases will continue for at least three other years.
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