Hiqmet Driza, who has been raising cattle for the past 15 years in
Lushnje, benefits 15 million ALL from the government agricultural
“It is a huge help, because we need to compete with international markets, especially in this important sector like agriculture. This is oxygen for agriculture in these difficult moments. It is a good help to compete abroad, because the local demand takes only 35%-40% of it”, Hiqmet Driza declared.
After Shkoder, Fier and Korce, the Albanian Prime Minister, together with the Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti, assisted the signing of agreements with Lushnje farmers, which mounts up to 135 million ALL.
Rama declared that this scheme is a new encouragement for rural development, ending the electoral pittance of the past, and starting a new challenge for the Albanian farmers, that of the closed cycle, so that their products can have a higher value for export, and on the other hand it will raise employment.
Rama underlined that these applications have a special importance, since the EU allocates 47% of the agriculture funds, and the candidate status only allows us to apply and request money through projects to support the Albanian agriculture.
“The annual story of accessing the EU funds shows that those money is taken by who is prepared to take it. The EU will not give away a single cent. The EU gives money based on projects that represent clear ideas, with convincing arguments and that show in details what will happen with every penny. To realize these projects, we need to be prepared. What we are missing in this moment is not the money, but projects. The same goes with the EU. The more projects we can realize, and with the more quality, the more we increase the chances to have higher revenues and support agriculture. This is the time to invest in farms, production but also in knowledge”, the Prime Minister declared.
Rama declared from Lushnje that the government has increased the agricultural support to 70%, compared to one year ago, and it will increase in the next year to answer to more applications.
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