Super-payments for doctors in remote areas

13/11/2017 18:44

Specialist doctors who accept to offer their services in remote areas, far from his residence, will be paid 200.000 to 250.000 ALL

Health Minister, Ogerta Manastirliu, declared that the government has increased the bonus of doctors to take it closer to pays of EU colleagues.

With many doctors leaving Albania for job offers in Germany and other EU countries, Albania has been short of doctors in remote areas, especially for cardiologists, surgeons, gynecologists, etc.

“On January 2019 we will have 290 new doctors: 18 cardiologists, 12 surgeons, 4 neurosurgeons  and 18 gynecologists”, Manastirliu declared.

For any doctor from the “Mother Theresa” Tirana Hospital Center, who offers his services in remote areas for one day a month, the government will offer 10.000 additional ALL a month.

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