Sultan Novruz Day/ Baba Mondi: Pandemic did not prevent us from being spiritually close to each other

22/03/2021 15:10

The Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj gave a message to the believers from the Bektashi Headquarters in Tirana on the Sultan Novruz Holiday.

He said that despite the restrictions, this situation has not prevented believers from being spiritually close to each other.

“Dear sisters and brothers, Bektashi brothers are everywhere in the world, good luck and happiness. Sultan Novruz remains a unique day so let us come close to goodness and prosperity, uniting our human destinies for that of the nation. Our Holy See has withstood the waves of time. Despite our great all our desire, today we cannot unite, because the pandemic has limited us more and more each day. But this situation has not prevented us from being spiritually close to each other. We will go through these difficult days to reunite. God bless us all. Amen! ” said Baba Mondi among other things.

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