The signing of the winning contracts for receiving funds from the
agricultural investment scheme continued in the Poshnje Commune, Berat.
The winners are farmers who want to advance with the production of oil,
wine and milk.
Prime Minister Rama considered this an important moment for agriculture, thanks to a new development policy.
“It is important to underline that we do not support anymore people to survive. Not a single cent Is being distributed in an unknown direction. Although we increase the agricultural support fund, we know that more work is needed, since we cannot cover all the requests that have arrived. Next year the fund will be even larger. We will take money from somewhere else and the agriculture will never be alone”, Rama declared.
In this area, where there are 23 hectares of green houses, Rama mentioned the oil price issue.
“We have decided to support with fuel all these greenhouses and those who cultivate them, in a very direct way, so that the oil paid by the government can go to production and not corruption channels”, Rama declared.
Considering the land a precious asset, Rama declared that there is no farmer in Europe who guarantees his living only with agriculture. He addressed young members of the farming community to work more with their farms and stay away from gambling shops.
“I hope that the transformation of agriculture will bring a transformation of the relations with the youth, with their lands and houses, to keep them closer to the land and make them richer through it, so that they can progress more than their parents did”, Rama declared.
The Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti, declared that the government is preparing a pilot scheme for guaranteeing the farmers’ production in case of natural catastrophies, and bringing to life a multi-million EUR scheme that aims to improve the quality of oil production.
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