To discuss the high level of ppm found in the ARMO petrol, Top Channel
had a live interview with As.Prof. Arben Luzati, Head of the Health and
Environment Department at the Public Health Institution.
Ilir Paço: Mr.Luzati, the sulfur quantity in the ARMO refinery petrol is four times higher than the norm. What consequences are there to the environment?
Arben Luzati: The released sulfur dioxide is higher than the norm, but the damage depends on the quantity of this polluted petrol and the place where it has been distributed.
Ilir Paço: What does this high level of sulfur do to the citizens’ heath?
Arben Luzati: It is more of an environmental pollution, and when combined with other polluting agents, sulfur dioxide is one of the six elements that are monitored in Albania and Europe. The health effects enter the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Chronic patients are the mostly affected, such as those with asthma, bronchitis or with cardiovascular diseases.
Ilir Paço: Albania is among the European countries with a higher pollution level. What’s the impact when this high level of sulfur is combined with other polluting elements that are found in the environment?
Arben Luzati: We haven’t made a proper evaluation of the impact on citizens’ health, but this means that people will experience more sick days.
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