2018 has started well for Tirana’s green areas, with 110 new trees already planted by a group of students, who joined the initiative of the Tirana Municipality for the 2-million-tree Orbital Forest.
Mayor Erion Veliaj said that thanks to generosity, they are planting 110 new trees for the orbital forest.
“I am glad that students are contributing, creating a new trend. Trends are not only smartphones, social networks and nice cafes, but also the behaviour we have to the city that we inherited and that we are going to leave to someone else”, he said.
“Two years ago we were the most polluted city in Balkan, today we are cleaner than Skopje. This means that we are product of our own decisions. If we take good decisions for more green areas, fewer cars, more running and cycling lanes, the product will be a cleaner air in Tirana”, Veliaj said.
The Mayor trust that planting trees is also an investment for future generations.
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