Still border barriers for regional trade

30/04/2014 00:00

The trade exchange between Albania and Macedonia have the potential to be three times higher than today.

But the cooperation between these relatively small markets often finds obstacles.

In the Business Forum between Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo, held in Tirana, the Albanian Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti, declared that the three countries must act in a complimentary way. He brought as example the import and export of mineral water between Albania and Macedonia, which is a case that needs a better coordination. He also focused in eliminating the obstacles, saying that both countries must exploit the comparative advantage between each other.

“This can happen from Albania with the fresh produce. Albania has the advantage that the production is ready one month before the Macedonian ones. We can use the Macedonian infrastructure to put in motion this trade exchange. This is on the interest of both countries, thanks to a preferential agreement that Macedonia has with Eastern and Central European countries, and especially with the Russian market. There is a good possibility to increase the intensity of commercial exchange”, Panariti declared.

The Minister of Agriculture invited the Macedonian business to invest in Albania for creating agricultural collection stations.

“While the economy has turned into the main challenge of the region, the exploitation of free economic areas between the countries is at a very low level”, declared the Head of the North-Western Macedonian Chamber of Commerce”, Melores Kuci.

“Only 10% of this regional capacity is being used, according to figures without even entering in details”, Kuci declared.

“Certainly that this is one of the most beautiful regions, with the most talented people who spent all their energies in the past by fighting each other. Now, by cooperating with each other, I am sure that we can turn this region into a miracle of development, by answering the miracles made by the nature”, declared the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta.

Albania has discussed and drafted cooperation strategies with Kosovo, which will flatten the barriers for creating a joint economic market. There is also an agreement with Macedonia, which need to be implemented, as it was pointed out during this forum.

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