While Netherlands is looking for allies to say “no” to the candidate
status for Albania, eight member countries are appealing for a vote in
The Foreign Ministers of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Slovenia made an appeal to the Foreign Minister of Italy, the country which has its turn to lead the European Union presidency, and also to the Head of Foreign Policy, Catherine Ashton.
In this letter, the diplomatic leaders of European Union countries give full support to a positive answer for Albania, as the Commission recommends.
They argue in the letter sent to the European Union High Representative and the Leader of the European Council that Albania has fulfilled the conditions by approving the three laws, and the elections were held in respect of the basic freedoms quoted by the OSCE-ODIHR reports.
They list the country’s achievements and improvements in the fight against organized crime and corruption, and starting the cooperation between the law-enforcing institutions.
“Besides this, the new government in Albania has undertaken a strong commitment to fight corruption and has made it a top priority in their agenda. The government has made significant progress, especially in their commitment for a constructive and stable dialogue with the opposition, which is vital for the reform process”, the letter says.
The letter of the eight Foreign Ministers lists another important element, the resolution approved unanimously in the Albanian Parliament on November 27th, which confirmed that the integration process remains on top of Albania’s national agenda.
“For all these reasons, we strongly believe that Albania has fulfilled the conditions set by the European Union. The Council should give the candidate status”, it says.
A vote in favor would not only encourage Albania to continue the reforms, but it would give a message to other potential candidate countries that the hard work in achieving the standards will be rewarded, relating this to the credibility of the European Union.
“A vote in favor would prove that the European Union enlargement has a transforming power and stability effects, on behalf of all European Union citizens”, the letter says.
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