The Democratic Party blames the government for the postponing of the
European Union candidate status. The vice chairman of the Foreign
Affairs Commission, the Democratic Party Parliament Member Aldo Bumci,
considered this a failure of Minister Bushati and the Rama government,
and also due to the negative stance of some member countries.
“In these three months, the number of skeptic countries increased. We saw that the Foreign Ministry had no strategy, no vision. The status was what the Albanians were expecting, and you failed, Mr.Bushati? What was the answer that you received”, Bumci declared.
“I will never call these countries negative. The position held by the European Union is very clear. There are no negative countries against Albania, but countries that due to your bad governance had no positive track record for the reforms and the rule of law, especially in economy. They want to see solid steps from Albania. We need to take these steps. We continue to work on different standards, because when one of us is accused about something, we hold an ethical position. When one of you us accused, you use the Democratic Party to accuse the government and the prosecution”, declared the Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati.
The debate for the budget brought another fact that damages the image of the Albanian diplomatic service. Besides the embassies that have accumulated debts during these years, Albania hasn’t even paid its quotas in the NATO, UN and other regional organizations. Especially for this fact, the opposition declared that the budget for the Foreign Ministry, which is 3.1% higher than last year, was considered insufficient by the opposition.
“You have publicly declared that our embassies are dormitories. Are they still like dormitories with this budget, which is the same of other years? Or are you the Foreign Minister of Dormitories?”, Bumci asked.
“You have let us in a very bad position, because when a person is appointed somewhere, there are lease agreements and deposits, payments for the health insurance, but you have never signed any of these. The bill mounts up to 4.6 million EUR, and 2.5 million EUR only from the appointments outside the system. Check it in case you don’t believe it, by including rents and health insurances”, Bushati declared.
With the budget of 2014, the Foreign Ministry declared that they will pay the debts of the last two years that Albania owes to the international organizations, and by cutting the staff they will increase the quality of our representation abroad.
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