US State Department classifies Albania on drug producing countries list while also highlights money laundering is also a concerning.
In the annual report released yesterday, it mentions the Albanian government has reported destroying cannabis plantations in 2016, but it also says the cultivation of the narcotic increased during this period. Albanian authorities have collaborated with Italian counterpart to fight the problem.
Albania classifies as a cannabis producer country, and it is excluded from the list of countries that produce heavier drugs and synthetics. It also notes that state authorities do not have exact data of drug users, but the number seems not to be very high according to it.
Money laundering is another hot topic mentioned in the report, with Albania classified as highly endangered by the phenomena as a result of corruption in high levels and week state a law enforcing agencies. Drug and human trafficking, contraband and tax evasion money are the main source of money laundering and Albania remains an easy place for this purpose.
According to the State Dept. report, this money are invested on real estate especially seaside areas and on gambling. As a conclusion, Albania is urged to strengthen law enforcing agencies while a better cooperation between police and prosecutor’s office is demanded.
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