Stanishev appeals SP and SMI to unite

30/03/2013 20:20

While the Albanian political parties are involved in the electoral
campaign, the European Socialist leaders appeal the Albanian left
parties to unite. The President of European Socialist Parties, Sergei
Stanishev, sent a strong message to Edi Rama and Ilir Meta, to win these
elections together.

Stanishev doesn’t hesitate to advice Rama and Meta to overcome their differences on behalf of victory. Stanishev was interviewed by Top Chanenl’s journalist, Muhamed Veliu.

TCH: Albania will hold the elections on June 23rd. Left parties might be divided in these elections. What do you suggest them, as President of the European Socialist Parties?

Stanishev: We are following the situation in Albanian closely. We have been in a mission with other friends of the Socialist International. Soon we will hold a conference for the integration issues. Unification is the key word for the elections. I know that the social economic situation is bad. Unemployment is 17%, there are 1 million unemployed Albanians, without a future and without money for their families. It is the biggest mission of the Albanian progressive forces to join forces and propose an economic alternative that works for the perspective of the country. The two main left parties, SP with Rama and SMI with Meta, should leave the old visions behind and join on behalf of the new progressive perspective.

TCH: Edi Rama has been leading the Socialist Party for more than 8 years. Meta has been in the government for four years. How can they overcome these differences on the verge of the elections, when we know that the cooperation of these two parties is equal to the victory of the next elections?

Stanishev: With wisdom, with mutual respect and the biggest thing that can unite the leaders of two parties: the future of the country, which is on their hands. They should take the responsibility for their country. Eight years with Berisha are more than enough. I think that most of the Albanians want a new perspective, want a change, and this change can be offered through unification and cooperation between the two biggest left parties, the SP and the SMI.

TCH: You are friend to Rama and Meta too. What would you suggest Meta in the final phase before deciding for the coalition?

Stanishev: I respect both leaders, same as our other colleagues in the Socialist International. In the Congress of 2012 they were both invited and we had a good conversation. The message that I transmitted to them, on behalf of the Socialist family, was to cooperate and leave the divisions aside. They have a great mission for the people and the country. I think that both of them have enough experience as opposition and ruling parties. I think that they will find the ways to cooperate with wisdom and clarity on what the country needs. This is the important thing, because politics is not for oneself, it is not for power, but to do things for the people, such as developing the economy, creating jobs, investments, infrastructure, competitiveness and social justice. I believe that the Socialists have very reasonable ideas for the economies and how to return justice and solidarity in the society, including the progressive income tax and how to improve the relations with businesses. It is also important to keep in mind that the Euro Socialist family supports Albania’s European perspective and that we will work together in the future for Albania’s integration, since Berisha’s government failed to guarantee the country’s integration, which is one more reason for changing government, as the best thing for the country.

TCH: What would you suggest to Mr.Rama, since many of his supporters consider the cooperation with Meta as unacceptable?

Stanishev: Politics is a very difficult profession. Certainly, we have had our difficult moments in our parties, with different forces holding different positions, but there are things which are bigger than the past, and this is the future. You have the responsibility and I believe that Edi Rama understands this. If the Socialist Party works together with the Socialist Movement for Integration, this guarantees good chances for a bigger change in this country. The individual problems, the divisions and conflicts should be left behind.

TCH: What is your appeal for the supporters of both parties?

Stanishev: I want to ask them if they want a change for their country, if they want a better life, a better economy, justice, law implementation and integration. If they want this, they should unite.

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