SP withdraws from recount in Lezhe

29/07/2013 00:00

The Socialist Party withdrew its request to repeat the elections in Lezhe.

Damian Gjiknuri, Secretary for the Electoral Matters at the Socialist Party, listed all the facts that according to him the elections in Lezhe were a failed process and that doesn’t reflect the real will of the citizens of that area.

However, the Socialist Party thinks that it is on the country’s best interest to close this process as soon as possible, so that politics can focus on bigger problems of our country.

“By repeating the elections in Lezhe, the majority not only would reconfirm the 84 mandates in this district, but the difference would be even deeper. But being aware of the need that our country has to end the electoral process as soon as possible, we decided to withdraw from this request, regardless our political interest. This is another way to remove all pretexts from our political opponent, which is trying to stain the elections after the deep loss, by creating political alibies as if the opposition has stolen the elections. This ridiculous alibi is a shame not only for them, but it also damages the image of Albania”, Gjiknuri declared.

However, he added that the Socialist Party is ready to offer all the necessary mechanisms to the new opposition in order to make full transparency for the elections.

“We publicly declare that we are ready to approve any request for a parliamentary investigation of the elections, turning into reality what has been denied to the opposition for the past four years about the elections of 2009 and the fictive population increase in Kukes during 2012. We declare in full awareness that we will not deprive today’s opposition of anything that has been deprived to us in these four years of opposition”, Gjiknuri declared.

Gjiknuri added that the people who are responsible for the manipulations in Lac and Mamurras will face the law.

“The illegal acts in the electoral process should receive the deserved punishment, according to the law. The Socialist Party will report at the Prosecution the illegal actions of the voting in Lac and Mamurras, and also the activity of the Central Election Commission after the elections. We also encourage the judiciary to do its job impartially for the cases of falsifications in Lezhe and anywhere else”, Gjiknuri declared.

According to Damian Gjiknuri, now that Sali Berisha will leave the political scene, the chapter of problematic elections will end once and for all for Albania.

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