SP to abstain in PG voting

04/12/2012 20:35

The Socialist Party will abstain in the Parliamentary voting for the new Prosecutor General.

The Socialist Parliamentary Group took the decision today, arguing that they are not against the candidacy, but against the procedure chosen by the Albanian President, Bujar Nishani. The Socialists say that Nishani has interrupted the mandate of the current Prosecutor General early.

The vice chairman of the Commission of Laws, Fatmir Xhafaj, declared for Top Channel that this is unprecedented and can be appealed at the Constitutional Court.

“The President is breaking a record in constitutional violations by giving priority to the Constitutional norm. This is an unprecedented case. The mandate of Ina Rama ends in May, and this cannot be changed by any parliamentary group, since the Constitutional Court has limited the right to appeal for these cases”, Xhafaj declared.

The Socialist Party values the role of the PG candidate at the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets, but they add that it remains to be seen how he will face the political pressures in the new and more important post.

“Llalla has a positive history in the HIDAA, but it remains to be seen if he will face the political pressure with this government that is known for it”, the Socialist MP declared.

As for Ina Rama, Xhafa declared that she was able to stand up to some important decisions, despite the pressure, but she failed with some important judicial cases, such as those of Gerdec, Durres-Kukes Road and other cases related with the corruption of this government.

Xhafaj added the fact that Ina Rama was a Prosecutor General in a time when the Prime Minister was Berisha, who is known about the negative records in relation to this post.

Xhafaj declared that when in power, the Socialist Party will change the approach to the Constitutional Institutions, by guaranteeing their independence.

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