SP: The government favoured CEZ

02/11/2012 19:50

The Socialist Party asked the government to give explanations on why
they acted in favour of the CEZ Distribution Company, by damaging the
Albanian consumer.

 “The Albanian Energy Corporation (KESH), through the Energy Regulation Entity (ERE), was obliged to reduce the price for the energy they sell to CEZ, so that they can compensate the network losses to the historical level of 45%”, Ahmetaj declared by showing a chart.

In 2010, CEZ has bought energy from KESH with 2.03 ALL per KW. In 2011 it was reduced to 1.48 ALL and there’s an obligation for another reduction in 2014 to 1.012 ALL.

“This means that KESH is obliged to keep losing money due to the obligatory price reduction that ERE established by favouring CEZ. It’s 110th of what the consumer pays. The energy costs to CEZ 10 times less than what the families pay, and CEZ profits additional 30 million USD each year only because of this amend. What are the reasons that the entire burden falls on the Albanian consumer? This is what the government must explain”, declared the Socialist Arben Ahmetaj.

“Because of the government favoured CEZ with a market monopoly, the citizens today pay an electricity bill that is 200% higher than in 2005, but the most dangerous part is that they do not guarantee the energy system. The system is on the brink of bankruptcy, a new pyramid that seriously endangers the financial and economic health of the state budget and the Albanian families”, Ahmetaj declared.

The Socialist Party will continue to report other abuses and bad management examples by the government.

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