SP, plan for elections and defending vote

30/11/2012 00:00

“One citizen, one vote”, is the Socialist Party commitment for the
elections 2013, which will try to avoid any kind of manipulation scheme
and defend the electoral result.

The Socialist party approved the electoral strategy in a higher decision-making forum, the Party leadership, which gathered this morning. Sources at the Socialist party confirmed for Top Channel that the discussion is focused on the strategies for defending the citizens’ vote in the next Parliamentary elections.

The leadership voted unanimously in favour of the detailed plan not only for the electoral process, but also for the strict monitoring and its preparation by the government and the state institution, and also the ballot counting process. Besides the just counting of every vote, the strategy aims to secure the pre-electoral process, which will identify every citizen who can be part of a manipulation scheme.

The structures of the biggest opposition party commit through this strategy to take special measures and not allow any manipulating scheme in the next elections. The leadership has appointed the Parliamentary Group leader, Gramoz Ruci, the Secretaries Blendi Klosi, Bashkim Fino and Fatmir Xhafaj as the implementing group of this plan, as the leaders of what the Socialists considered “the organizing machinery” against what they called a “manipulative machine from the state”.

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