SP leadership invites SMI to coalition

02/04/2013 00:00

The Socialist Party meeting that ended today decided to send an invitation to the Socialist Movement for Integration, in order to build a coalition.

Members of this party gathered to give their opinions. After hearing
the news for a possible move of the SMI to abandon the ruling
coalition, some of the SP members reacted for and against a possible
alliance with the SMI. Among these MPs were Erjon Brace and Pandeli

“In these conditions, we are ready to do everything we can to stop repeating the history and disappointment. We expect SMI to answer positively to our invitation, for our country’s best interest”, Rama declared.

Rama declared that it is a good sign when politics forgets the past, when this is what withholds development.

“We are here to not allow that the future looks like the past. We are here to overcome the past and realize the Albanian dream and hope, promises that could remain on paper because of the past. Let’s do what we approved at the Assembly. If SMI decides another path, our door is open”, Rama declared.

Majko’s reaction on Facebook

Yesterday Pandeli Majko wrote on his Facebook status something that can be seen as a strong message.

April Fools. The day of lies and deceit. The day when lies are seen as
humor. The day when we are allowed to say lies, or to confirm a big
truth through it. The fact is that on the other days of the year, the
lie is your option. Happy April 1st, the day of politicians that never
became politicians, but surrendered to this date. Lying to a people is a
guilt. Leaving them without the right to choose between the truth and
the lie is the drama of unscrupulous bastards of politics. This is the
reason why I think that the lie is remembered on this day, but it is not
celebrated. The REVIVAL of the truth is the hope for tomorrow. I have
chosen the January 21st coalition, and not that of April 1st. Tomorrow
is April 2nd, a nice day to ‘get killed'”, Majko wrote

Asllan Dogjani: I will leave SP and independent

MP Asllan Dogjani declared for the media that he is leaving the SP and will run as independent MP in Kukes.

“The Socialist Party and its leader, Edi Rama is obliging me to leave this party. This is about the lack of democracy inside the party. I will run as an independent MP in Durres”, Dogjani declared.

Many journalists are waiting at the SP for any declarations about the decision to have SMI as their ally, but there has been no declaration yet.

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