SP introduces program

22/02/2013 00:00

The challenges of the Socialist Party for the government program after
June 23rd were listed in the National Conference for an Albanian
Rebirth, similar with the American Democratic Party conventions. The
opposition leader, Edi Rama, valued the people who are working with this
program, underlining that the human resources of the Socialist Party
made possible this program without the help of any international
electoral company.

“Why is Albania going to the wrong direction today? What are we proposing, as Socialists and progressists, to return the country on the right track? During these two days we will answer to many questions, will introduce a summary of a great work that is almost complete; will answer to all Albanians who are asking from the Socialist Party what we will offer, before making the right decision on June 23rd”, Rama declared.

300 days to re-establish the rule of law and lower crime rates; to bring modern text-books for schools; teachers who are not party militants; accredited universities; information for health and education; a new financing scheme for the health system, with the state buying the service that the people receiving it for free; a revival of sports and many other promises were made today by the Socialist Party for the Albanians.

“After June 23rd the crime’s advantage over the state will come to an end. We are committed to change this situation radically, in a record time, fighting crime and what causes crime with an iron hand. We will start by re-establishing justice, by bringing to justice all officials, relatives and mediators who have abused with the state’s interests. Our purpose is to return to the Albanians every profit that was taken away from them”, declared Sajmir Tahiri.

“Our political will for the revival of Albania strongly believes that the moral values will rise again in this country; that economy will recover and unemployment will decrease if education will take what it deserves”, declared Ledi Shamku.

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