SP in opposition with NDS and RBA?

19/12/2012 00:00

One day after the Interior Minister, Flamur Noka, was asked by the
Commission of Integration about transferring one electoral mandate from
Berat to Kukes, Damian Gjiknuri, Secretary for the Electoral Matters at
the Socialist Party expressed the opposition’s concern after the
majority rejected their request at Parliament for the establishment of
an Investigative Commission for the mandate issue.

“An irresponsible macho arrogance that offends the people of Kukes and all Albania, but that doesn’t shed light on the real problem that the Investigation Commission is trying to do, which is investigation. Why the population was increased in only four or five Kukes units? The lack of transparency, the obstacles that the majority is putting to a constitutional right for the parliamentary investigation needs to be emphasized. This is a right that oppositions usually have, and this makes the first case for the manipulation of the 2013 elections”, Gjiknuri declared.

During an interview for Top Channel Gjiknuri revealed the opposition’s efforts in building a wide pre-electoral coalition. He leaves to be understood that the SP plans do not exclude the New Democratic Spirit and the red and Black Alliance, for the only goal to remove Sali Berisha from power.

“Sali Berisha’s government removal, or this political rotation, is a national emergency and as such I say that we now have the conditions to build a wide cooperation platform, despite the political differences, only to join a common objective. SP is working for a wider coalition based on some principles and a clear objective: to realize the political rotation and send Berisha in political retirement”, Gjiknuri declared.

Recently there have been several suggestions at the Socialist Party for the need of a wide coalition, especially from Paskal Milo and Skender Gjinushi, who are not against the construction of an alliance with the new parties, RBA and FRD.

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