SP files lawsuit against Berisha after he appealed citizens to get armed against the government

29/04/2016 00:00

The unprecedented declaration of the former Prime Minister, Sali
Berisha, which invited citizens to get armed and defend themselves from
the government, spurred controversies and confusion among the public

The Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Group for the Socialist Party, MP Taulant Balla, filed a lawsuit against Sali Berisha, in a request that was signed by 10 Socialist Party MPs.

Top Channel has a copy of the lawsuit filed to the Prosecution and addressed to Prosecutor General Adriatik Llalla. Through this, the SP says that Berisha has consumed articles 222, 223 and 267 of the criminal code, which says that the appeals to get armed against the constitutional order is an offense that can be punished with five to ten years in prison.

The report, which is expected to escalate the tense relation, says that Berisha has put peoples lives in danger, has damaged the constitutional order and has exposed citizens to an immediate danger of their lives, their property and health”, the SP says.

The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, said that this move is a revenge of Prime Minister Edi Rama.

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