SP-DP correspondence, communication that proves crisis

10/03/2016 00:00

Fatmir Xhafaj from the SP, has sent an official letter to the MP Halimi
of the DP, in which he proposes the Justice Reform Commission to meet
after the opinion of the Venice Commission, so that the parties can
authorize independent and political experts to work together, to include
in their amendments the final recommendations of the Venice Commission.

Fatmir Xhafaj proposed as arbiters two experts from the European and US justice missions, EURALIUS and OPDAT, and “for disagreements, the mandate will have two alterantives, together with the respective opinion of the foreign experts”.

Fatmir Xhafaj preserves the role of foreign experts as arbiters until the end, when the draft is about to go in Parliament. In case of disagreements, he will trust them the final interpretation of the Venice opinion.

But the Democratic Party say this loses time and doesn’t guarantee success. Eduard Halimi insists one day later on the political dialogue. They say that Venice left this up to politicians, not to experts.

The Democrats propose three steps: dialogue and consensus for 10 issues raised by the opposition for the justice reform; establishing a group of political experts, including the foreign ones, but without giving them arbitration roles; and drafting the consensual amends that will pass to the Special Commission.

The only thing for which they agree are the dates for the justice reform, possibly in March.

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