SP Congress, Rama: “Proud of our leadership”

19/03/2016 12:35

On the 25th anniversary of the Socialist Party, Edi Rama made everything
possible to show that he is there to stay as leader of Albania’s ruling
party. The first step was a public reconciliation with Edi Rama.

“I can only thank from distance the first leader of this party, Fatos Nano. What divided us cannot divide the history of this party, and cannot make the ups-and-downs of Nano’s leadership less important”, Rama said.

The second step was the co-governing with Ilir Meta.

“Two parts of this reunited family are not free from the weight of the past, but I am sure that the mistakes of the past are the value of the reuniting that turned Albania on the right track”, he underlined.

The third step were the difficult reforms for what Edi Rama calls “state-building” and for which he is convinced he has the majority of Albanians with him.

“Albanians are ready to face every reform. They can understand it quicker than the consumed elite of Tirana. I am even more convinced than in the first days that we will not only do the reforms, but we will also take the necessary votes to continue modernize Albania through reforms”, the Socialist leader declared.

Rama blamed the Democratic Party for the situation created in their eight years in government, and he said that they are still reminding the people what a curse they were for the country.

Rama thanked all the Socialists of the first generation, even those who criticize him today. Rama didn’t mention Ben Blushi in his speech, but the matters raised by him.

“There is a small minority here that is concerned about my statutory mandate. They say I don’t have a mandate to stay here today”, Rama said, adding that this will be discussed better in the third part of the debate.

“There is a small minority here who are concerned about my statutory mandate and, according to them, I don’t have a mandate. This is something that will be discussed wider in the third part of the Congress. Outside our party, there are many people waiting anxiously to see anything alarming happening in this congress. If we drop a glass of water they will want to publish that our ship sank. But they will be disappointed. We will be stronger after this congress, more motivated to push the reforms towards the right direction.”, Rama said.

Rama thanked the main figures of the Socialist Party, including the former leader, Fatos Nano, and then accused the opposition of opposing the government with only one tool, slander.

“This is not the opposition that our country needs. They have no vision, just plenty of anger to feed extremism. They have no program, written or ideated, but they are shameless enough to slander each day, with the purpose to grab the heart of the people in need. They have the blind force of a drowning man and they are trying to cover us with their mud. They often achieve the purpose to make us lower to their mud, but we have ourselves to blame for this. We need to take this seriously, correct our stance and work with the people”, he said.

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