SP: Basha’s businesses, three taxes

20/04/2011 20:10

Taxes have been turned into a campaign argument in Tirana. How many taxes are there, how are they used?

The democratic party candidate, Lulëzim Basha, declared that in case of victory, he will remove 60 taxes and fees of the local administration, and will lower the other taxes from two to five times.

After the declaration for the citizens taxes, Socialist Deputy Erion Braçe illustrated the low level of taxes, which, according to him, the Tirana businesses pay to the municipality.

“What you see here is a bill of the taxes paid by “Tirana Publishing House”, under the administration of Erjon Isufi. For the year 2010 there are only three taxes with a value of 32,120 ALL or 2,676 ALL per month. The same amount has been paid by the company “Premium Print”, which has the same owner and same address, with the same object and fiscal obligation”, Braçe declared.

This is only one of the examples that the deputy Erion Braçe made public, also showing another bill of the businessman Damir Fazlliç, which the opposition considers as directly connected to the Prime Minister, who also pays an average of 3000 ALL per month to the municipality.

The majority has accused the government of abusing with the green tax.

“Green spaces have been reduced, while the green tax in the last two years has increased from 250% to 300%. The municipality income from the green tax in the last four years goes to 17 million dollars, 6.4 million of which have been collected only during 2010. How have these 17 million dollars been used? Surely not on green spaces, but maybe on electoral meetings”, declared Taulant Bino, Vice Minister of Environment.

Yesterday, the former Finance Minister, the democratic deputy Florion Mima accused the municipality of illegal tax collection.

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