SP Assembly, Rama to Blushi: “You cannot preach me democratic values”

09/03/2016 12:35

The Assembly of the Socialist Party gathered this Wednesday before the Congress that will be held later this March.

Rama declared that the SP has achieved good results, but in the next elections they need to be completely reformed.

He said that the SP is the only political force that leads with reforms that put Albania on a new track.

“Some illegal groups of interest are trying to put obstacles to this path. we will continue with the reforms to trasnform Albania”, Rama said.

The SP leader also answered to Ben Blushi and his accusations of criminalizing the party.

“No one here can preach me about democratic values. We are accused of bringing criminals in Parliament, but we brought more women than ever. They will have no chances to throw mud against us if we go towards a new path”, Rama said.

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