SP Assembly, Rama: “The most complete reforms for 20 years”

01/10/2016 00:00

The Albanian PM, Edi Rama, spoke at the opening of the Socialist Party assembly about the reforms undertaken by his government.

“If we make an inventory of the reforms undertaken by our government, it would be the most complete one for the past 20 years”, Rama said, listing the territory reform and the energy reform, among others, saying that the latter marked a historic change. “Our challenge now remains a full liberalization of the energy market”, he added.

Rama admitted that although more things have been done with the Health Reform, it must serve as a push that it is necessary for the concrete results to be felt more by the citizens.

“We must put to service an ER that answers within 10 or 15 minutes for every citizen in our entire territory”, Rama said.

The PM mentioned the education reform, saying that “those who attend public universities now have their fate in their own hands”.

The Assembly of the Socialist Parties continued this Saturday with an agenda that includes the passing of some regulations.

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