Sokol Olldashi’s funeral held today

21/11/2013 00:00

Today was held the funeral of the Democratic Party Parliament Member,
Sokol Olldashi, a well-known politician and former minister of the
Berisha government.

Hundreds of citizens, relatives and politicians stood for several minutes outside of the Parliament, honoring the 40 year old man who passed away tragically last night near the Qafe-Kerraba road.

The last speech in this funeral was held by the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha.

“Sokol was a fighter of human battles, for a better and different Albania. He excelled as a journalist and opposition politician, when he kept reporting the political intrigues planned against us. He encouraged us when we were in minority. He was one of those who initiated the December movement. He experienced a troubled childhood due to the absurd persecution coming from the communist system. He fought for the democratic rights of Albania, so that no one could suffer like him and his family. His oath is also ours for as long that we all shall live. He never left the Democratic Party, in difficult and good days, with the strength and persistence of a man with great will”, Basha declared.

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