Sokol Balla’s book, “The Game that Changed Albania”

20/12/2016 00:00

“The Game that Changed Albania”, the newest book by Sokol Balla, brought
to the Albanian people on these last days of the year, and focuses on
the biggest success scored by our Football National Team in its history,
when they participated in the UEFA Europ Championship.

Sokol Balla, known as a political analyst, this time brings to the public an interesting study of Albania’s football history through the years.

Written with an easy read style, the book travels in different times that marked our football’s history.

The book was introduced this Tuesday in presence of politicians, journalists, media leaders and even coach Gianni De Biasi.

“Sport has always been the best ambassador of not only politics, but also between countries”, said Sokol Balla in his speech.

The book serves as a witness the path followed by this sport through the years, describing events experienced first hand by the author, as a football fan himself.

“The path of Albanian football has not been easy. The book tries to prove this with real events that I have experienced as a journalist”, Balla declared.

“The national team made us cheer them and lower our heads. They made us feel equal to the rest of Europe for at least 10 days”, Sokol Balla said.

Balla said that his book arrives on Top Channel’s 15th anniversary.

“Without it, I wouldn’t be the man I am today”, he said.

Gianni de Biasi, the coach of the Albanian Football National Team, said he was happy about a book that speaks about sport and not politics.

The book helps our memory as regards sportive culture, written with the nerve of a journalist who cherishes an old passion for football.

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