Soft loan removed for officials

05/02/2014 00:00

The Albanian government decided to end the privileged treatment of
high-rank officials through soft loans, by removing the decision that
treats administration civil employees and political employees with soft

This initiative of the government was made public by the Ministry of Urban Development, Eglantina Gjermeni, who declared that the funds will be allocated for citizens in need.

“The Council of Ministers, based on a proposition of the Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism decided to remove the privileged treatment of state officials. This decisions allocates the funds for the soft loans of the Albanian government employees to other categories that need sheltering, such as the families who been expropriated. Today’s decision removes the chance to get privileged treatment through soft loans. Thanks to today’s decision, the privileges for soft treatments will pass from high-rank officials to citizens who have more need for this service”, Gjermeni declared.

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