Sociologists: Civilian alliance against crime

23/02/2015 00:00

Sociologists say that a bigger alliance is needed between the government
and the society for fighting crime. Gezim Tushi, one of the best known
sociologists in our country, says that a national consensus is needed, a
civil alliance.

“We need a national consensus between all factors, especially the political ones who try to take benefits from a specific interpretation of a crime. Crime is one and the society should be unified to fight it”, Tushi declared.

This level of crime, according to Professor Tushi, is being raised because of social vices. “The excessive usage of alcohol, drugs and lazyness are vices that cause social conflicts, thefts and crimes, and, as result, the intensity of this crime grows in society”, Tushi underlines.

For the professor, the violence among the youth and the lack of tolerance, reflected even in schools will bring new crime waves in the future.

“The school needs to play a big role. I have the impression that schools are bringing up a violent youth. Most of the criems come from the aggravation of violence and the lack of tolerance. The need to transform the police, not only that of the state, but also that of the communes, would help with solving crimes”, Tushi says.

Prof.Tushi makes and appeal to the society and says that no one should be indifferent: “No one should think that by staying indifferent, they are immunized to crime. Crime ruins the health of a society and the society belongs to everyone. Without a healthy society there can be no healthy life”, Tushi adds.

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