Except Prime Minister Rama no one from the left coalition does not expresses maximal security on the fate of the contract signed on April 1st 2013. Asked by Sokol Balla on Top Story last Monday, Rama said from a scale from 1 to 10, the possibility to renew it was 10.
But Socialist Movement for Integration ministers Gjosha and Panariti have expressed lately the idea that Ilir Meta should be Prime Minister and their party wining the next general elections, while MPs Spahiu, Braho and Tavo said party forums will have the final say. This should happen before April 18th, the final date Electoral Commission has set for coalitions to register.
Meanwhile, vice chairman of the Parliamentary group of the Socialist Party, Taulant Balla, renewed his party invitation towards their ally. “The public offer from our side has been made, not only to SMI but also other parties who are part of the Alliance for the European Albania”, he said.
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