Socialists, accusing “Zgjohu” Movement

28/03/2011 12:35

Socialist Party accused the government of making a political campaign with tax payers’ money to attack the opposition.

Socialist Deputy Ermonela Felaj refers to “Zgjohu” Movement TV spots, a movement that according to her has received government funds on this campaign.

Albanian TV’s are showing again political TV spots from the so called “Zgjohu” Movement, a ghost organization sponsored from Berisha’s regime only to attack and defame the Socialist Party and Albanian opposition”, Felaj declared.

“We suspect that these funds come from the “Civil Society Support Funds”, making it a conflict of interest matter, because state funds are being misused for clear political purposes, to help the electoral campaign of Berisha’s Lulëzim Basha”, she added.

The socialist deputy requested to the Prosecutor Office to investigate the financial sources of “Zgjohu” Movement for the TV ads.

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