Socialist group leader on Kryemadhi’s Russian money: National security was violated, facts revealed by Top Channel should be investigated

31/03/2023 16:06

Documents published on Thursday by Top Channel show that the former head of LSI party, Monika Kryemadhi, has received suspicious payments from offshore companies controlled by Russian oil businessmen linked to Vladimir Putin.

The transfers are in small amounts, but they indicate hidden bank accounts in Switzerland and shares in offshore companies.

The head of the socialist parliamentary group, Taulant Balla, said in relation to the issue that this Russian money towards an Albanian politician “should not remain simply as another affair with Russian money”.

Balla said: “About 5 years ago I regularly spoke in front of you about an issue related to national security, since Albania has been vulnerable and the object of financing from offshore shell companies, which financed political parties or let it be

said, certain politicians.

“What Top Channel has discovered is the genuine scheme used by the Kremlin that through oligarchs, businessmen with funds from Putin’s payrolls, have financed certain political parties or politicians in Europe, another case has been discovered in Italy, Austria and in

countries in our region, or other countries of the former communist bloc.

“This is a connection with politicians to damage democracy and create pro-Russian fronts in these countries. Regarding the documents published on Top Channel, I think that the investigations should have started immediately”.

Top Channel

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