Many towns of the country have no social care for the categories in need.
90% of these services operate in urban areas, and only 10% in the rural zones.
The digitalized map of the Ministry of Labor has enabled the identification of the social services and the existence of unlicensed societies that operate in our country.
“A great number of unlicensed activities have been identified to operate. The situation is problematic, with 90% of the services offered in urban areas, and only 10% in the rural ones”, Minister Ksera declared.
The UNICEF representative, Detlef Palm, declared that Albania has many social care problems related with children, disabled people and orphans.
Based on the Ministry Data, the UNICEF representative declared that 80.000 ALL are spent each month for a child. If he would live in a family, only half of the money would be used.
“We must rethink the way how the services offered by the state work. The care in residential institutions is cheaper. Children in an orphanage cost to the state 75.000 ALL each month. A family would need half of it, offering better and healthier conditions”, Palm declared.
This map will be accessible for all people and institutions, in order to help with the information for every social service.
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