SMI’s head Kryemadhi and Kërpaçi are fined 3 thousand ALL for not wear the mask in public meeting

04/11/2020 16:22

The chairwoman of the SMI, Monika Kryemadhi, and the head of its youth branch, Floida Kërpaçi, were fined today with 3000 lekë for not wearing a protective mask in public.

Services of the Police Commissariat no. 6 in the Kombinat area found in “Llazi Miho” street, around 11:00, Monika Kryemadhi and Floida Kërpaçi, without protective mask while holding an open meeting with citizens.

In their meetings with SMI supporters, Kryemadhi and her representatives were never been seen wearing a protective mask.

The chairwoman of the SMI also tried to use this action as a sign of protest against the restrictions of the government and its the management of the pandemic situation.

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