SMI: Solution for the Roma situation

18/07/2013 00:00

The Socialist Movement for Integration asked the local and central
administrations to not lose time with bureaucratic procedures but start
working for finding a shelter to the 37 Roma families. According the
Socialist Movement for Integration, this matter not only is a delicate
human rights issue, but it is also related to Albania’s candidate

“Not only due its relation to the European Union integration, but also for the repsecting of the human rights and the other difficulties faced by the Roma community, the Smi asks the central and local administrations to cooperate for resolving this problem. Don’t lose time with bureaucracies that only make the situation worse and show an indifference of the Albanian government, which, despite being outgoing, have the obligation to complete their duties”, declared Petrit Vasili, vice leader of the Socialist Movement for Integration.

Vasili commented the decision taken by the government regarding the fact that the Military Home has turned into a headquarter for the Democratic Party, considering it a wrong decision that needs to stop immediately.

“This is a rushed decision and absolutely wrong. As members of the NATO, the armed forces need improved premises. The justification given by the Democratic Party that this building is on private property, and that the government knew this only after the June 23rd elections, makes us all laugh. This decision must stop, because it goes against the military people who have served to those who lead the parties”, Vasili declared.

When asked if there will be cleansing in the public administration after September, vasili declared that the employees will be valued based on their efficiency and the ones that will have to go will go without political grudges or retaliation, but only because they are not efficient.

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