SMI: “Political corruption with CEZ. Berisha brought CEZ, Rama pardoned it”

30/09/2015 00:00

International investigation for the entire activity of CEZ in Albania.
Ylli Manjani from the SMI considers it political corruption.

“It has happened that Albanian governments endanger the public interest of the Albanian people, or they compete with each other for things like the candidate status. Both cases were about the status. The CEZ case is very flagrant, at least from what has been given in public. The Prime Minister sold the energy distribution company to start the status procedures, and the next accusation is that the succeeding Prime Minister concluded the CEZ procedure to receive the status. If this is true, this is political corruption and it is related with the fact that to have more power, they make political agreements that play with the interest of the Albanian people. This is unacceptable, the highest corruption that could take place in a sovereign state. From this view, we want this issue investigated. If there is evidence, those responsible should be held accountable”, Manjani declared.

The SMI vice leader however denies problems between the SP and the SMI.

“The coalition has no problems and this is not a matter of coaltions. The coalition secures a normal functionality of the government. I understand the political debate that is reated to this issue. People who used to be against the left, today defend the theory that the left coalition is being dissolved. I can say with full conviction that this is not the case, and it will not be for many years”, Manjani declared.

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